About Siam Rat

I have been visiting Thailand regularly for more than thirty years and over the years have developed a keen interest in its culture, language and history. I have visited many of the popular tourist attractions in Thailand but there are still many places I would like to get to. Plus these days I enjoying visiting places which are away from the tourist circuit. Some of these places are well known and popular with Thais but barely known to foreign tourists. Others are equally neglected by the Thais themselves but may be places of historical interest.

This blog is a combination of my love of travelling around Thailand and my passion for its history and culture. I hope to bring to readers some insights and stories that underlie so many sights around Thailand, both magnificent and mundane.

Over the years I have also come to realise that in order to understand and appreciate Thailand  it is necessary to understand it in the wider context of Asian culture and history. And so I have taken opportunities to travel to Thailand’s neighbours and enjoy the beautiful countries of Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and Myanmar. In time some of my blogs may branch out to cover my travels in these countries.

I hope you find something to enjoy here and I welcome any feedback you might have. I can be reached directly at siamratblog@gmail.com.


Siam Rat

a.k.a. Peter Simms
August 2018

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